REGISTRATION No. 2006/038698/07
Manual produced in terms of Section 51 of the Promotion of Access to Information Act No. 2 of 2000 (“the Act”)
1. Main Business
KayDav Group (Pty) Ltd is an investment holding company. The company has an investment holding subsidiary, Davidson’s Holding Company (Pty) Ltd which in turn wholly owns the Group’s operating subsidiary namely Sharp Move Trading 260 (Pty) Ltd which carry on the business of the wholesale and retail distribution of wood based panels as well as the wholesale and retail distribution of packaging materials and packaging machinery under the following trading names: KayDav Group Management, Davidson’s Discount Boards Ottery, Davidson’s Discount Boards Brackenfell, Davidson’s Discount Boards Strand, Davidson’s Discount Boards Silverton, Davidson’s Discount Boards Durban, Kayreed Board and Timber and Packit Packaging and Machinery. Kaydav Properties (Pty) Ltd houses the Group’s properties.
The company is a private body as defined in the Act.
2. Contact details
Head of private body/
Information officer Gary Davidson (CEO)
Directors Gary Davidson (CEO)
Martin Slier (CFO)
Postal address P O Box 272, Ottery, 7808
Physical address 105 Bamboesvlei Road,
Ottery, 7800
Telephone Number 021 704 7060
Electronic mail address
3. The Act – Section 51(1)(b) Guide
The Act grants a requester access to records of a private body, if the record is required for the exercise or protection of any rights. If a public body lodges a request, the public body must be acting in the public interest.
Requests in terms of the Act shall be made in accordance with the prescribed procedures, at the rates provided. The forms and tariff are dealt with in paragraphs 6 and 7 of the Act.
Requesters are referred to the Guide in terms of Section 10 which has been compiled by the South African Human Rights Commission, which will contain information for the purposes of exercising Constitutional Rights. The Guide is available from the SAHRC.
The contact details of the Commission are:
Postal Address Private Bag 2700, Houghton, 2041
Telephone Number +27-11-877 3600
Fax Number +27-11-403 0625
4. Records available in terms of legislation
Records are kept by the Kaydav Group (Pty) Ltd and/or its subsidiaries in accordance with the following legislation (please note that this list is not exhaustive):
Companies Act No 71 of 2008
Labour Relations Act No 66 of 1995
Basic Conditions of Employment Act No 75 of 1997
Compensation for Occupational Injuries and Disease Act No 130 of 1993
Unemployment Insurance Act No 63 of 2001
Employment Equity Act No 55 of 1998
Skills Development Act No 97 of 1998
Income Tax Act No 58 of 1962
Value Added Tax Act No 89 of 1991
Consumer Protection Act No 68 of 2008
National Credit Act No 34 of 2005
5. Records held by the company
The following is a list of documents held by Kaydav Group (Pty) Ltd and/or its subsidiaries. Access to these documents may be protected by professional privilege, confidentiality, privacy or other reasonable grounds of refusal.
Category Subject/Description
Financial Annual Financial statements, Fixed Asset
Register, invoices, reconciliations,
credit/debit notes, journals, ledgers, balance
sheets, income statements, trial balances,
supplier records
Taxation VAT, Income Tax, PAYE and other tax records
Statutory All company secretarial information
Human Resources Employment records, Employment equity plan,
Skills development plan
6. Form of request
To facilitate the processing of your request, kindly:
6.1 Use the prescribed form, available on the website of the SOUTH AFRICAN HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION at
6.2 Address your request to the Head of the Company (CEO).
6.3 Provide sufficient details to enable the COMPANY to identify:
(a) The record(s) requested;
(b) The requester (and if an agent is lodging the request, proof of capacity);
(c) The form of access required;
(d) (i) The postal address or fax number of the requester in the Republic;
(ii) If the requester wishes to be informed of the decision in any manner (in addition to written) the manner and particulars thereof;
(e) The right which the requester is seeking to exercise or protect with an explanation of the reason the record is required to exercise or protect the right.
7. Requesting procedures
The following applies to requests (other than personal requests):
7.1 A requestor is required to pay the prescribed fees (R50.00) before a request will be processed;
7.2 If the preparation of the record requested requires more than the prescribed hours (six), a deposit shall be paid (of not more than one third of the access fee which would be payable if the request were granted);
7.3 A requestor may lodge an application with a court against the tender/payment of the request fee and/or deposit;
7.4 Records may be withheld until the fees have been paid.
7.5 The fee structure is available on the website of the SOUTH AFRICAN HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION at
8. Remedies available to requesters if request for information is refused
Should a request for information be refused by the information officer, the requester or a third party aggrieved by a refusal of a request for information may consider the remedies available in section 77A and section 78 of the Act.